I think you're close to hitting on a key issue: There are massive tradeoffs to how we choose to organize society. There was a time when puritanical morality reigned and society tried to do sex only in the context of marriage. But a lot of people complained because it was too restrictive. The fact that there was so much going on on the side was pretty good evidence that it was more restrictive than many people could handle. But I don't think anyone counted the cost of removing the societal guardrails entirely. If we are going to have a society when men and women are free to hook up whenever they want, any young halfway attractive woman is going to be approached WAY more often than she's comfortable with. And unattractive women are going to have a pretty rough go in a different way. The Internet just magnifies this effect by a million.
I'm probably in the minority here, but I think the more puritanical set up is the better trade off. But no set up is going to work if people can't master themselves and focus on others and the future instead of me and now. So maybe the societal mores affect the flavor that the corruption of human nature takes, but doesn't touch the root cause