I'll definitely do an analysis on Snape. I actually really, really like that idea. Thank you.
The tricky thing about the books HP fans should read next is that none of them are nearly as good as HP. I remember last year reading a book called The Magicians because it was recommended for people who like HP. But I could see the recommendation was based on surface level similarities. It was a Wizarding boarding schools that had loose allusions to HP and strong allusions to The Chronicles of Narnia. But despite the lofty status of its inspiration, it was just okay.
I know a lot of the HP haters want to knock the books and pretend they're not really that good just because they are popular. It has always been cool to pretend that the popular thing is just for the uneducated masses and really there are better options out there. But the reality is, HP is popular because it's really good.