The More Successful Someone is, the More Luck They Had

A simple way of gauging how much luck was involved with success

Matthew Kent
4 min readJun 16, 2021
Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

Since I’m someone who writes about self improvement, you might expect me to chalk up all success to hard work.

After all, someone who looks the achievements of others and chalks them up to luck is really just jealous and resentful, right?

While I can’t claim to have never experienced jealousy, I can say that I’m pretty consistent in asserting that success is made up of a number of factors including talent, hard work, and luck.

If you want to be successful, you’ll need all three. If you want to be as successful as Bill Gates, you’ll likely be disappointed. As a member of the ultra-successful, luck played an enormous role in Bill’s journey. And you can’t count on luck to accommodate your desires.

So how can I chalk Bill Gates’s extraordinary success up to luck? I mean, the man is brilliant, hard working, and has made a number of savvy business decisions. He built a company that changed the world and nearly every office you’ll come across uses software developed at his company.

Where was the luck in all that?

Well, how about we start with the fact that he went to the only high school in America with…



Matthew Kent

Done settling for average. Now I have my sights set on awesome 😎 Get “The Ultimate Daily Checklist,” my free ebook on productivity: